Mission Statement
Bring people to God our father, through Jesus the Christ our Savior, by the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Proclaim salvation by preaching the Gospel to the people of the world. Baptize them by immersion in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit for the remission of their sins. These acts are in accordance with instructions set forth in the book of Mathew 28: Verse 19 and 20. Prepare saved souls through The Holy Bible. Await the second coming our Lord Jesus the Christ. We will celebrate the remembrance of Jesus every first day of the week through Holy Communion, as well as tithing and offerings.
We are an independent Christian Church and believers in the true gospel of Jesus the Christ.
We hope that our company and our place of worship makes you feel welcome.
As church members in the community, we strive to help and assist everyone so that God our Father may be glorified. (Matthew 5:16)
If you are looking for a place to worship our Lord, or a place to renew yourself spiritually, then, we would like to help, assist, and encourage you, or answer any questions that you may have.
We welcome everybody that is looking to change for the better, as we all have our own walk and path with God.
We are a New Testament church. However, we still strive to follow and teach from the entire Bible because all Scripture has been given to us so that we may be fully equipped for works of service in God's kingdom. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)
We hold true to the Bible, to the best of our abilities as Christ Followers.
We do not hold any man or woman as a mediator or representative of God except Jesus his only begotten son. (1 Timothy 2:5)
We believe in the Holy Trinity. God the Father, who gives blessings. God the Son who gives salvation. God the Holy Spirit who gives wisdom.
We believe the church was established through the apostles as described by the Bible in the book of Acts.
We believe in keeping the Word, regardless of what anyone's theory or idea may be regarding salvation or ways of worship. We do not compromise our belief's in order to win people to church.
We believe salvation comes only by Jesus the Christ. Only through him and no other way can you enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
We believe salvation is God's gift of grace given through faith (Ephesians 2:8) through a conversion process that can be summarized as HEAR, BELIEVE, REPENT, CONFESS, be BAPTIZED, and live a FAITHFUL life.
HEAR = Romans 10:17, John 8:32
BELIEVE = Hebrews 11:6, John 20:31
REPENT = Luke 13:3, Acts 17:30
CONFESS = Romans 10:10, Mathew 10:32
Be BAPTIZED = Galatians 3:27, Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38
FAITHFUL = Revelations 2:10
(Note: We are immersed in water, since baptism means immersion)
We celebrate communion weekly as described in the New Testament. (Acts 20:7)
(Hopefully this information may help your quest for the TRUE and ONLY God)
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